Allgemeine Bedingungen und Konditionen
Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Anbieters sind in Übereinstimmung mit dem Verbraucherschutzgesetz (ZVPot, Amtsblatt der Republik Slowenien, Nr. 98/2004-UPB2, 126/2007, 86/2009, 78/2011), dem Gesetz über den elektronischen Handel auf dem Markt (ZEPT, Amtsblatt der Republik Slowenien, Nr. 96/2009-UPB2), dem Obligationenrecht (OZ, 97/2007-UPB1) und den internationalen E-Commerce-Kodizes verfasst. Die Datenschutzrichtlinie, die der Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, zum freien Datenverkehr und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 95/46/EG („DSGVO“) entspricht, kann online gelesen werden.
Der Online-Shop (im Folgenden auch „der Shop“ genannt) wird von der Firma N & N d.o.o., Gočova 10, Gočova, 2235 SV. 5791081000, Steuernummer: 52180913, das auch ein E-Commerce-Dienstleister ist (im Folgenden auch „Verkäufer“ genannt).
Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) regeln den Betrieb des Online-Shops, die Rechte und Pflichten des Nutzers und des Shops und regeln die Geschäftsbeziehung zwischen und dem Käufer. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen regeln auch die Regeln für den Einkauf bei der Abholstelle.
Der Betreiber dieses Online-Shops setzt geeignete technische und softwaretechnische Mittel ein, um die Übertragung und Speicherung von personenbezogenen Daten und Zahlungen zu schützen. Der Online-Shop ist durch ein SSL-Zertifikat geschützt. Secure Sockets Layer (abgekürzt SSL) ist ein kryptografisches Protokoll, das eine sichere Kommunikation im Internet ermöglicht, z. B. beim Surfen im Web und bei der E-Mail-Kommunikation, bei der Daten vertraulicher Art (z. B. persönliche Daten und Kreditkartennummern) übertragen werden müssen.
Zugänglichkeit von Informationen verpflichtet sich, dem Kunden die folgenden Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen, bevor der Kunde an den Vertrag oder das Angebot gebunden ist:
Angaben zum Unternehmen N & N Ltd. (Name und eingetragener Sitz des Unternehmens, Registrierungsnummer),
Kontaktdaten, um dem Nutzer eine schnelle und effiziente Kommunikation zu ermöglichen (E-Mail, Telefon),
die wesentlichen Merkmale der Gegenstände und die Gültigkeitsdauer dieser Informationen,
die Verfügbarkeit der Artikel (jeder auf der Website angebotene Artikel sollte innerhalb eines angemessenen Zeitraums verfügbar sein),
die Bedingungen für die Lieferung der Waren (sowie die Art, den Ort und die Zeit der Lieferung),
die Preise, die klar und eindeutig angegeben werden müssen und aus denen hervorgeht, ob sie bereits Steuern, Transport- und sonstige Kosten enthalten, sowie die Gültigkeitsdauer dieser Angaben,
die Art der Zahlung und Lieferung oder Leistung sowie die Gültigkeitsdauer dieser Informationen,
die Gültigkeitsdauer des Angebots,
die Frist, innerhalb derer der Vertrag widerrufen werden kann, und die Bedingungen für den Rücktritt (Beschreibung des Rücktrittsrechts gemäß § 43c KSchG; in den Fällen, in denen der Verbraucher kein Rücktrittsrecht gemäß § 43c KSchG hat, ist der Verbraucher ausdrücklich darüber zu informieren),
eine Erläuterung des Beschwerdeverfahrens, einschließlich vollständiger Angaben zur Kontaktperson oder zum Kundendienst.
Der Kaufvertrag zwischen N & N d.o.o. und dem Käufer kommt im Onlineshop von in dem Moment zustande, in dem dem Käufer die erste E-Mail über den Status seiner Bestellung sendet (mit der Betreffzeile: Bestätigung des Eingangs der Bestellung). Von diesem Zeitpunkt an sind alle Preise und sonstigen Konditionen fixiert und gelten sowohl für als auch für den Käufer. Der Käufer ist die Person mit den zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung angegebenen Daten. Eine nachträgliche Änderung der Angaben des Käufers ist nicht möglich.
Der Kaufvertrag (d.h. die erste E-Mail-Benachrichtigung über den Status der Bestellung) wird elektronisch auf dem Server von gespeichert.
Rechnungsstellung sendet die Rechnung für den Kauf in gedruckter Form als Anlage im Paket der bestellten Produkte. Die Rechnung enthält eine Aufschlüsselung des Preises und aller mit dem Kauf verbundenen Kosten sowie einen Hinweis auf das Rücktrittsrecht.
Der Käufer ist verpflichtet, sich vor der Bestellung von der Richtigkeit der Angaben zu überzeugen. Spätere Einwände gegen die Richtigkeit der Rechnungen werden von uns nicht berücksichtigt.
Der Aktionscode bietet verschiedene Vorteile beim Kauf und ist zeitlich begrenzt. Einen aktiven Aktionscode finden Sie in Werbebotschaften oder anderen Medien.
Falls ein Kunde einen Aktionscode einlöst, aber später die Bestellung mit dem eingelösten Code aus freien Stücken storniert, hat er keinen Anspruch mehr auf den neuen Vorteil des Aktionscodes.
Verwendung des Aktionscodes:
Wählen Sie die Artikel aus, die Sie kaufen möchten, und legen Sie sie in Ihren Warenkorb. Wenn Sie die Artikel in den Warenkorb gelegt haben, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Zur Kasse“. Wählen Sie Ihre Liefermethode, geben Sie Ihre Lieferadresse an und wählen Sie Ihre Zahlungsmethode.
Geben Sie im selben Schritt den Aktionscode in das Feld Aktionscode ein und bestätigen Sie Ihre Eingabe mit einem Klick auf die Schaltfläche Anwenden.
Bei jedem Kauf kann nur ein Aktionscode verwendet werden (z.B.: bei der Bestellung von 2 Artikeln kann maximal 1 Aktionscode gleichzeitig verwendet werden).
Der Wert Ihrer Bestellung muss mindestens 1 € höher sein als der Wert des Rabattcodes.
Wenn Sie den Aktionscode eingeben, wird der Wert des Aktionscodes im letzten Schritt – Bestellübersicht – automatisch vom Preis Ihrer Bestellung abgezogen. So bleibt der Betrag übrig, der noch bezahlt werden muss.
It is not possible to combine different forms of benefits (discount code, promotional code and bonus) within the same order.
Rules for prize draws
The prize draw organiser is the retailer N & N d.o.o. A prize draw participant is a natural person who takes part in the prize draw promotions.
The prize winners are determined randomly by the computer selection function or by the Organiser’s committee.
Eligibility to enter the prize draw (and other prize draws or vouchers)
Participants in the prize draw are natural persons who are citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. Persons employed by the prize draw organiser and their immediate family members and persons employed by other legal entities connected with the prize draw are not eligible to participate in the prize draw. Legal persons cannot be a participant in the prize draw. Persons who do not accept the rules of the prize draw are not eligible to enter the prize draw. By entering the prize draw, the entrant is deemed to have accepted the rules of the prize draw.
Rules for participation in the prize draw
Participation in the prize draw does not require the purchase of services or products from the prize draw organiser.
Electronic prize draw
The prize draw is open to all prize draw entrants. One participant may enter the prize draw only once. The result of the prize draw is final. No appeal is possible. The winner will be notified by e-mail of the receipt and method of collection of the prize.
Obligations of the prize draw winner
The prize cannot be redeemed in cash or exchanged for any other item.
The winner is obliged to provide the prize draw organiser with his/her personal details – name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone and tax number – in writing (e-mail), all within two days of being notified that he/she has won the prize.
Payment of all taxes on prizes (including VAT) is the responsibility of the Organiser. The Organiser will send prize winners a receipt in accordance with the Income Tax Act and the Income Tax Information Delivery Regulations. The prize winner is obliged to declare the value of the prize in his/her income tax return. The prize winner is obliged to fill in a declaration of acceptance of the prize when collecting the prize. The Promoter is not responsible for any taxes that may arise in connection with any other prizes. If the Prize Winner fails to comply with all obligations, the Prize Winner shall be deemed not to accept the Prize and the Organiser shall be released from any and all obligations to the Prize Winner under this Prize Draw and shall be entitled to dispose of the Prize for any other purpose whatsoever. Prizes are non-transferable.
If, within three (3) working days of the date on which the prize winner is notified that he/she has been drawn, the prize draw is not valid for any reason (e.g. the winner declares that he/she does not wish to accept the prize, the address or email address is incomplete or incorrect, etc.), the prize may be forfeited by the prize draw organiser. ) does not receive all the necessary information and a declaration that he/she wishes to receive the prize, the winner shall be deemed not to accept the prize and the Organiser shall be released from any and all obligations under this prize draw towards the winner and shall be entitled to dispose of the prize for any other purpose.
Protection of personal data
The prize draw organiser shall protect all personal data obtained from entrants in connection with the prize draw in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data. The Organiser may only use the personal data obtained from participants for the purposes for which it was obtained. The participant agrees that the Organiser may send him/her notifications regarding the Organiser’s offer. The participant or his/her guardian or legal representative may withdraw his/her consent to the use of the personal data obtained in the prize draw for direct marketing purposes at any time. The prize draw organiser reserves the right to organise the prize draw as a public event. By participating in the prize draw, the participant gives his/her name and address permission to be used in the prize draw organiser’s audio, photo and video material. The participant authorises the prize draw organiser to publish his/her personal data in the mass media and on the Internet in order to inform him/her about the results of the draw or to claim the prize.
Publication of the rules of the prize draw
By submitting their details via the entry form on this page, entrants agree that they are aware of the rules and undertake to comply with the rules of the prize draw. In the event of any dispute or ambiguity, these rules shall prevail over any other publication, whether in print, electronic or any other form.
Protection of personal data
N & N Ltd. is committed to the permanent protection of all personal data of the User in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and the GDPR-1.
All detailed information on the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy settings tab.The User must be aware that he/she is obliged to provide the Online Trader with his/her personal data in a correct and truthful form and to inform the Online Trader of any changes to his/her data. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User confirms that the personal data provided by him/her is correct.
Complaints and disputes
N & N Ltd. complies with the applicable consumer protection legislation. N & N Ltd. makes every effort to comply with its duty to provide an effective complaints handling system.
In the event of a problem, the Buyer may contact the Seller N & N Ltd. by telephone at tel:041 334846 or by e-mail at Complaints should be made via the e-mail address The complaint procedure is confidential.
N&N Ltd. is aware that a fundamental characteristic of consumer disputes is the disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the time and costs involved in resolving the dispute, which is also the main obstacle to consumers not bringing a dispute before the courts. Therefore, N&N Ltd. makes every effort to resolve any disputes amicably.
Exclusion of liability
The provider accepts no liability for any consequences arising from the use of the online shop and its contents, including any material or immaterial damage. It is the User’s sole responsibility to use the content in the online shop in a reasonable manner for the User’s own highest good.
Although the online shop is protected by the SSL protocol, there is a possibility of misuse of the online shop, which is beyond the control of the provider. For this reason, the provider excludes liability in the event of the transmission of malicious software that may be installed on the device from which the user accesses the online shop. The Provider advises users to educate themselves on this subject and to protect their devices against the risk of malware being downloaded.
Although the Provider endeavours to ensure that the information in the online shop is accurate and up-to-date with the utmost care, there is a possibility that, due to the multiplicity of products or rapid changes in information, the information on items, delivery times, price or any other information may be different from what is stated in the online shop or may be incomplete due to the multiplicity of products or rapid changes in information. It is the user’s responsibility to verify the information if there is any suspicion of incorrect or incomplete information. We reserve the right to change product information including pictures and any other related information without prior notice.
The Provider shall not be liable for the intermittent non-operation of the online shop, any inaccuracy of the information in the online shop or for any damage caused by the inaccessibility, use or inability to use the information in the online shop.
In the event that the User has ordered an item that has incorrect or incomplete information, the Provider will notify the User and allow the User to withdraw from the order. If, after placing the order and before receiving the item at home, the user himself discovers that the item has incorrect information, he is obliged to report the error in the online shop and the provider will give him the opportunity to cancel or replace the order.
The provider is actively engaged in updating the photos in the online shop, therefore all pictures should be taken as symbolic. Some of the characteristics of the item in the picture do not reflect the actual condition of the items (e.g. the size of the item in the picture).
The Provider is not responsible for the content of comments made by users in the online shop. The Provider may reject comments that contain blatant untruths, misleading facts or content that is offensive both to other users and to the Provider itself.
The Provider reserves the right to make substantive and other changes to the General Terms and Conditions and to amend them at any time and in any manner, for any reason and without prior notice.
The Provider reserves the right to change the sales offer in the online shop without prior notice. The Provider shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the information published on the Website is up-to-date and correct. However, in individual cases, the supplier may not be able to deliver the product to you because it is sold out and out of stock. However, the characteristics of the items, the delivery date or the price may change so quickly that the supplier is unable to correct the information on the website. In such a case, the supplier will inform the buyer of the changes and give the buyer the opportunity to withdraw from the order or to exchange the ordered item.
The provider reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time and in any way, regardless of the reason and without prior notice.
Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes
In accordance with legal norms, N & N d.o.o does not recognise any provider of out-of-court consumer dispute resolution as competent to resolve a consumer dispute that a consumer may bring under the Act on Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution.
N & N d.o.o., which as a provider of goods and services facilitates online commerce in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, publishes on its website an electronic link to the Online Consumer Dispute Resolution Platform (ODRP). The platform is available to consumers here.
The above-mentioned regulation is based on the Act on Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes, Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.
Further clarifications regarding the purchase
The Buyer is obliged to take delivery of the ordered package and pay the redemption fee under the Code of Obligations. If the Buyer does not take delivery of the goods ordered, which are sent COD, in any event, and the goods are returned to the Company’s address after a waiting period of fifteen (15) days at the post office, this shall NOT be deemed to be a withdrawal from the contract, as the latter is still validly concluded and it is a unilateral, unannounced withdrawal of the Buyer from the contract. If the Buyer does not accept the package, this action causes financial damage to the Company. In the event of non-acceptance, the Buyer is therefore liable for the costs of shipping and return of the products to the Company, for which the Seller will invoice the Buyer, which the Buyer is obliged to pay, as the Buyer has not terminated the contract. In the event of non-payment of the invoice, the matter shall be settled by means of a claim. Receivables shall be settled by an external company. In the case of fraudulent orders, the IP address will be handed over for further processing as abuse. The cost of non-collection is EUR 10,00 and includes administration, packaging, shipping and return shipping costs.
The Buyer is bound by the General Terms and Conditions in force at the time of purchase (placing the online order). The user is specifically reminded of the General Terms and Conditions each time he places an order and confirms his awareness of them by placing the order.